Mumbai escorts · relationships

Escorts do’s and don’t while meeting clients

Working as an escort requires well stipulated rules that work in favor of both the escort and the client. The rule of good business is customer satisfaction but also not at the expense of the business owner.

If you are looking to start off as an escort, we have some basic Do’s and Don’t that you may find very useful


Simple Etiquette  

Being polite and friendly to the client sets the right mood for business, says Pooja a female Mumbai escorts. Even if the client is not being as gentlemanly as you expected, maintaining professionalism is very important.

Personal Effects

Come prepared, says Aisha, an independent Mumbai escorts. Bring makeup for touch-ups, personal accessories so you can look as good as you came and most importantly, protection. Do not assume the client will have them, always stay vigilant. Also, keep emergency effects close a cellphone, emergency contacts and some cash in case things don’t go as planned.

Be proactive

Anticipate any situations and follow your instincts, if anything seems weird or fishy, tell him that you need to leave or cancel the appointment. It is advisable to take a driver along on an out-call booking.


Check the client’s body of the client for any kinds of wounds, scars, red bumps, allergy marks and so on and inquire if you feel it looks serious. Ask the client to take a bath or bath him and make it a part of the session if you feel the need limit the risks of being infected or getting intimate with a dirty and distasteful client.

Mumbai Escorts Girls

Competitive services

Get your head in the game and offer the client the kind of service they are paying for. If you are distracted or terrible at your job, you may lose that and many other clients, says Kaya, a female escort in Mumbai. Clients expect all your attention to be on them so make sure you are on top of your game.


Attitude and Mood Swings

The last thing a client needs is attitude, unless that is what they are paying you to do. If you feel like you cant attend to a particular client, it is better to cancel the session that go in and ruin your rating, says Priya, an independent Mumbai escorts. Staying professional is the tool of trade in the escort business.

Mumbai Escorts

Drugs and Alcohol

It is very important to keep your wits when out on a call. Allowing yourself to get drunk or tipsy puts your life in danger because it messes with your instincts and your ability to make rational decisions. Treat escorting as you would any other high-pressure job, says Lisa, an escort in Mumbai. If you wouldn’t get drunk on a corporate meeting then you shouldn’t do so when meeting up with a client.

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Mumbai escorts · relationships · Uncategorized


It is good to give our lives a new meaning every time we have an opportunity. Life is a challenge but when lived in the right way it can be fun and interesting. Boredom comes from doing one thing the same way over and over again. However, have you ever known that you can spice it up by doing a new thing once in a while?

It is always good to visit new places, meet new people and get involved in different activities once in a while. This makes life interesting and adds value to it. Mumbai is one of those places you will visit and appreciate you did.

Characteristics of Mumbai escorts

Mumbai female escorts are a lively bunch with great experience of having actual fun. My friends had told me much about these girls but I thought it was an exaggeration and a way of making me is anxious to visit Mumbai. However, when I met them I realised actually what I had been told was substandard compared to what I experienced. I got these services without any problem by visiting the website of top escorts agency in Mumbai.


Sometimes it is always good to have a personal experience for anything positive that will spice up your life. Life is too short to always count the cost of anything you get yourself into. Nothing is more important in our everyday life than being happy and living at peace. A single smile adds more days to your life so always give yourself a chance to smile.

Female escorts in Mumbai give you an opportunity to smile and celebrate life. They are jovial, easy going, kind, sweet and fun to have around. They are also experts and always committed to serving you without fail. They give you a perfect opportunity to enjoy life and have a different taste of romance and intimacy in own way of understanding.

Although many of them follow all the instructions you give them, they are also very flexible and given a chance, they share with you what they know and ensure they take you to cloud nine. It is actually much more fun if you give them a chance of being in control because they give you more than what you had requested for.

No matter which way you want it, she will for sure give you the best. Their believe in life is if you give your best to whatever you do, it is sure to succeed and give you perfect results in return.

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Mumbai escorts · relationships · Uncategorized

What does Sexuality mean to you when you are with Mumbai Escorts?

Sexuality is regarded as one of the most important needs and desires of the people after the survival. Many psychologist and researchers have updated this theory that after the survival, sex is the biggest desire of the people. Sometimes sex becomes the motivation for the people and it triggers their actions towards particular job (positive or negative).

Moreover, experts are highlighting that people who fail to fulfil their sexual desires of experience mental issues and depressions that further cause huge trouble in their life. Therefore, if the people who find it usual and appropriate for our society, we all need to understand that how many of us lead a satisfied sexual life. Moreover, we need to know the consequences of failing to have satisfying sexual life. This lifestyle of the escort girls in Mumbai is the kind that fulfil sexual desire of people as well as their own.

mumbai escorts

Some of the people expressed their views that they have been annoyed and exasperated with the thoughts of so called intelligent and moral authorities who constantly paint the sex term with sex workers, sex industry and paid sex services particularly in a negative way. It is purely misconception and fallacious lie that it is only the boys and men who are rampant when it is about sexual desires because women also have their needs of sexual desires.  Therefore, an open-minded and mature debate is required in this matter.

The debate should include all aspects and facets of the sexuality aspect and should be discussed rationally by the experts. This discussion should not be influenced by any kind of religious belief and dogma, stay uninfluenced with the social stereotyping and pessimistic preconception about the sexuality aspect. If we get the discussions influenced with these points we will get no answers and will remain in the position since the dawn of the humanity or society. However, now society moves on and changes with the culture and environment.

We all need to have proper track on how the society has altered in regard with the sexuality and homosexuality aspect. Therefore, people from all walks of life should consider the Mumbai escort girls as the people of dignity because they are doing nothing which opposes or goes beyond our tradition or culture. Whether it is India or other country, escort profession is undergoing rigorous or tough challenges. The people who are in this profession face many challenges in their daily life and pray to god for having respectful life in the society amid others.


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